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Special Recruitment Drive 2025-001 Advertisement DF-1-2025

Applications are welcomed from Indian nationals belonging to booked classifications (SC, ST, OBC, EWS and PwD (VH, OH, HH)) under special recruitment drive for job the post of Assistant Professor in the Departments of Aerospace Engineering, Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Cognitive Science, Computer Science and Engineering, Design, Earth Sciences, Economic Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Humanities and Social Sciences, Management Sciences, Materials Science and Engineering, job Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics, Space, Planetary & Astronomical Sciences & Engineering (SPASE), Sustainable Energy Engineering, and job Kotak School of Sustainability.

Several Departments also take part in the teaching and research study activities of interdisciplinary post-graduate programs in the institute in Photonics Science and Engineering and Materials Science Program. Appointments for these programs are made in the relevant departments amongst those listed above.

Minimum Qualification (Assistant Professor): Ph.D. with first class or equivalent (in terms of grades, and so on) at the preceding degree in the suitable branch, with a great academic record in all preceding degrees. For a fresh Ph.D, the position will be on agreement basis for the first 3 years, and can be regularized later on. For those with three or more years of post-PhD teaching/research/industrial experience, regular consultation can be made.

The Institute follows reservation in direct recruitment based on the arrangements of the Central Educational Institutes (Reservation in Teachers’ Cadre) Act, 2019. The existing unique drive advertisement is to fill up 56 backlog vacancies in reserved classifications till 31st December 2024.

Application for all the above positions may be filled (ON-LINE) just. The last date of getting applications against this ad is 31st March, 2025.

Department specific areas of needed specializations (PLEASE CLICK HERE)

The details of pay scale acceptable at the time of joining are as follows:


Pay Level

Basic Pay

Assistant Professor job Grade I


1,01,500 – 1,67,400


89,900 – 1,17,200

Assistant Professor Grade II (Contract)


89,800 – 98,200

Other info:

1. The pay carries all other allowances as acceptable to a Central Government staff member stationed at Kanpur.

2. The advantages, such as LTC, medical re-imbursement, transportation allowance, children education allowance, contribution towards New Pension System (NPS), re-imbursement of telephone costs, book grants, HRA (if real estate not offered), research study initiation grant (approximately Rs 25 lakhs with the arrangement to obtain an additional grant) and financial backing towards national and global conferences shall be allowed based on the Institute standards.

3. From its internal resources, the Institute supplies an extra top-up salary of Rs 25,000/- each month for the very first 3 years of service to the up with professor. After three years of service, the professor(s) are eligible for consideration for Young Faculty Fellowship (open for faculty of age upto 40 years) offering a top-up salary of Rs.15,000/- monthly for 3 years, and/or Faculty Chair positions offering a top-up income of Rs 25,000/- each month for three years. Both the positions are used based upon efficiency.

4. Traveling allowance for joining: The Institute will repay worldwide travel expenditures for the freshly signed up with professor and dependent relative to the maximum limit of Rs. 1,50,000. Domestic travel repayment will be according to government rules.

5. The Institute makes every effort to supply real estate to all faculty members. Your houses are geared up with totally free high-speed internet.

6. Mere eligibility will not entitle a prospect for being called for interview.

7. Applicants who do not fulfil the minimum experience requirements may be used an appointment on contract. The requirements of minimum qualification and/or experience might be relaxed in the case of candidates with outstanding qualifications.

8. The Institute follows the reservation in direct recruitment based on the arrangements of the Central Educational Institutes (Reservation in Teachers’ Cadre) Act, 2019. The candidates are required to submit the Caste/ Category/ Disabilities Certificate released by the Competent Authority in the format recommended by the Government of India for this purpose. The Institute follows the Central list in the case of SC/ST, OBC & PwD.

9. The Institute reserves the right to withdraw any marketed post(s) at any time without appointing any reason.

10. The last date of getting applications versus this ad is 31st March, 2025.

11. Applicants required and appearing in interview will be paid to and fro economy air fare/train fare by the quickest route (within India) and taxi fare from Lucknow airport to IITK and job back. Please note that the quantity of fare shall be remitted through electronic transfer by our Accounts Section after processing the claim. Local hospitality will be taken care of by the Institute.

12. Applicants who are employed in Government or Semi-Government Organizations will be needed to produce a “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” from their company at the time of the interview.

13. Candidates may make an application for a position in more than one department by duplicating the online application procedure.

14. Certificate and job documentary evidence need to be submitted together with application kind.

All correspondence to be resolved to either to the Head of the concerned Department or to the Dean of Faculty Affairs. Contacts details of Heads of the Department are readily available in the Institute site:

For any information, please contact:

Office of Faculty Affairs

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Kanpur 208016, India.

Tel: +91-512-259-6192/ 6327/6325

E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You require JavaScript allowed to view it.

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